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- LHD v1.0x
- =========
- © 1993 Robert Hofmann
- 2:2400/24@fidonet.org
- 39:171/100@amiganet.ftn
- I. Why LHD?
- -----------
- You surely know about the discussions about LHA versa DMS or ZOOM or some
- other diskarchiver which also stores the full discstructure even if it is
- not needed.
- For the most PD/Shareware-programms it is ok if the directorys and their
- contents are on the disk and the diskname is correct.
- So I have written this litte ARexx-script which will allow you to archive
- whole disks in a simple way by using LHA (© Stefan Boberg).
- Yes I know that you also can use 'LHA -2axr {archive} df0:' but then you
- will loose the name of the disk which is important in some places.
- So the only thing which does LHD is to store the diskname ALSO in the
- archive in a little file called "DISKNAME.TXT". If you will write from an
- archive it will look inside of "DISKNAME.TXT" and relable it to the name
- which was found in it.
- There could be many reason for/against using LHD but remember it is your
- own decission to use it or not.
- II. Copyright and Distribution Conditions
- -----------------------------------------
- LHD is copyrighted freeware. It may be freely distributed, given the
- following conditions:
- * Written permission from the author must be obtained if LHD is to be
- included in any commercial software package.
- * The entire contents of the LHD-archive must be distributed whole; pieces
- may not be left out, nor may they be changed. In particular, you may not
- claim authorship of LHD.
- * LHD may be uploaded to BBS systems and electronic networks, IF and ONLY
- IF those systems make no copyright or ownership claims to uploaded
- software. The copyright on LHD is owned solely by the author.
- * Since LHD is provided free of charge, no claims are made about its
- suitability for any particular purpose, nor the quality or robustness of
- the software or documentation.
- The author will make an effort to resolve bugs in the software; he simply
- reserves the right not to.
- The basic concept is that you should use it in good faith and not make a
- profit from it nor claim it as your own.
- III. Requirements
- -----------------
- - WB & KS 2.04 or higher, may run under 1.x, but not tested!
- - ARexx Version 1.15 (included in the original OS 2.0 - Packet).
- May also work with versions <1.15, but not tested.
- - Rexxsupport.library in libs:
- - LHA by Stefan Boberg
- - the original 'INFO' -command
- - the original 'FORMAT' -command
- - the original 'INSTALL'-command
- - the original 'RELABEL'-command
- IV. Installation
- ----------------
- - Adjust the variables at the beginning of the script to your own needs
- NOTE: leave FORMAT empty ('') when you don't want disks to be formatted
- before writing to them.
- - Put LHD.REXX in REXX: or where you like it.
- III. Usage
- ----------
- RX LHD READ <DFx:|{inpath}> <{outfile}[.LHD]> [DiskName]
- WRITE <{infile}[.LHD]> [DFx:|{outpath} [DiskName]]
- TEST <{file}[.LHD]>
- VIEW <{file}[.LHD]>
- READ: This option will allow you to create a new archive from a disk or
- path.
- If you use a path instead of a disk go for shure that the contends of
- that directory are not longer as a formatted disk!
- Use [DiskName] to specify a name for the disk!
- WRITE: Here you can create a new disk from any LZH, LHA or LHD-archive.
- If there is a file called 'DISKNAME.TXT' in it, the name in it will
- be used as diskname if no other name was entered.
- If the destination is no DF?: but a path the archive will be unarced
- in that path and the name of the disk will be assigned to this path.
- TEST & VIEW sould be self-speaking...
- Hope you will enjoy this little tool, spread it and use it!
- Any comments, ideas and bugreports are very wellcomed.
- _ o Robert Hofmann
- |<)_/#
- TT <T GCC/EMS Support Germany